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The Lion’s Gate 8:8 Portal and the Galactic New Year are believed to hold potent energies and symbolize opportunities for spiritual growth, renewal, and alignment with cosmic energies.
The Lion’s Gate 8:8 Portal occurs on August 8th each year when the Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius and the Galactic Center. Sirius is known as the Spiritual Sun in many ancient cultures and is believed to be a source of divine wisdom and spiritual knowledge. This alignment is thought to amplify the energies of transformation, awakening, and ascension.
The Galactic New Year is based on the ancient Mayan calendar and occurs on July 26th each year. This date marks the alignment of the Earth with the Galactic Center of the Milky Way galaxy. It is considered a time of new beginnings, renewal, and realigning with one’s true purpose and cosmic plan.
Both the Lion’s Gate 8:8 Portal and the Galactic New Year are times of heightened spiritual energy and cosmic alignment. They offer opportunities for individuals to deepen their spiritual practices, connect with universal wisdom, and align with their soul’s path and higher purpose.
Join us for a very unique and awakening class!

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