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Dragon Energy is all about manifestation, transformation, and healing. As Mother Nature stands there with her arms outstretched, offering us a chance to grow, we get a glimpse of what new beginnings look like- between blooms, blossoms, and the turning of the earth. At her side are many spiritual protectors, from animals to angels to oracles, and YES, DRAGONS.
Dragons are divine Earth guardians who harness the lifeforce of creation and unlimited love. Representing the balance between our powerful masculine and sensual feminine energies, dragons, in a sense, are our yin and yang. Working with dragons as energy guides can help foster internal peace, self-empowerment, greater abundance and the ability to embody your own light. To dance with the dragon is to learn and to grow, to be bold and burn away all that no longer serves you.
So come DANCE with us and activate your inner Dragon Energy! We recommend wearing the color green!

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