January Full Moon Ecstatic Dance

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Go beyond the FULL MOON and immerse yourself in the energy of where this class will take you! It's a new month, in a new year! Let's rise high and dive deep into an exploratory cleansing experience as we awaken [...]


Imbolc Ceremony for Creativity

What intent do you have for the Spring season? This is a great time to honor the internal work you are doing and plant seeds for Spring! Rest into your energy and honor another point in the year! What intent [...]

Full Moon Cosmic Ecstatic Dance

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Whenever a full moon comes around, the most important thing to remember is to stay grounded, and the easiest way to do that is by connecting with your physical self. The June full moon, is known as the Strawberry Moon. [...]

Introduction to Moon Phases at Nell’s Woodland

Every moon phase has a function and timely activities to make the best use of the available cosmic influences, including light. By taking this into account in our planning personal or work projects, it can help us strategize our efforts [...]

Halloween Ecstatic Dance Party!

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Check Unwind's favorite event of the month, the FULL MOON Ecstatic Dance! It is a freeform movement experience where we can be our unique selves and connect to a common source. Ecstatic Dance is for all ages, genders, and sizes [...]

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