Latest Past Events

Day Retreat: Think Well, Feel Well, Live Well

Let's improve our habits and develop a positive outlook on life! This day retreat encourages self-reflection, making time for ourselves and finding the good in our lives, goal setting, and effective planning. The purpose of this experience is to feel [...]

Exploring the Native American Medicine Wheel

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru

The Native American Medicine Wheel offers profound insights into the interconnectedness of all aspects of life and provides a timeless blueprint for achieving balance and harmony. Through this class, participants will deepen their understanding of the Medicine Wheel's teachings and [...]

Lunchtime Meditation To Balance The Body

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru

Come join us for a lunchtime meditation at Unwind at Westclox. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of your day to relax and realign your mind and body. This mini break in your day, is designed to help [...]

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