Cosmic Kundalini Yoga

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Whatever we bring our mind to will only expand in this upcoming year. On this night, we will consciously release the drama and inner conflicts - so that we have room for exciting and large new opportunities that wish to [...]


New Year’s Eve Rebirthing Kriya

Rebirthing works with the breath and with rhythm to create a flow that dissolves subconscious blockages in the cellular memory of the body. The result is a shift in consciousness and some deep inner revelations, experienced in a way that [...]


Cleaning Your Mind and Experiencing The Self

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

To see your TRUE Self, your mind needs to be clean and clear so that no one else's opinions or ideas about who they think you should be can get in the way of forming a proper self-concept about who [...]

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