Winter Solstice Despacho Ceremony

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

This is a beautiful celebration during this sacred portal to bring in light and healing on the longest day of the year. An Andean Despacho Ceremony will be conducted with every participant bringing either a piece of fruit, flowers, wrapped [...]


Awakening to the Energy of Ayahuasca

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

This is an introductory class to develop a practice to work with the masters of light by calling in the sacred plant energy to help you heal and create manifestations in your life. Learn the ‘I Am Presence’ – one [...]


The 7 Rays: Rainbow Cosmology

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Learn about the 7 rays of energy - children of the 7 rays to access the rainbow bridge of light frequency. Discover how we become new seeds of a new humanity and how to transform. Bring a crystal and experience [...]


Divine Feminine Sacred Ceremony

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

The Divine Feminine Sacred Ceremony Awaken your divine feminine energy by connecting with Mother Earth and ancient Goddesses. Tap into your lunar energy and learn to balance your feminine and masculine energy to bring more harmony and love into your [...]


Egyptian Pyramid Energy and The Sacred Merkaba

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Learn about the ancient Egyptian teachings and pyramid energy with the sacred Merkaba energy. Please RSVP:

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

The Summer Solstice Celebration Ceremony is a time of honoring the Father Sun and the light within us. We will be celebrating in gratitude all that Mother Earth has blessed us with, as we shed what no longer serves us. [...]

The Healing Spirit of the Plant Kingdom for Manifestation

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Learn how to activate the healing spiritual energy/frequency of Mother Earth's Sacred Plants such as San Pedro and Ayahuasca. There will be a guided shamanic journeying meditation. Please RSVP:

Sacred Fire Ceremony

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Fire represents cleansing and drawing our ancestors to us to heal and assist us on our Earth Walk. This is an evening where we can manifest our heart's desire, advance our spiritual growth, journey, and release what longer serves us. [...]

Working with The Ascended Masters of Light for Ascension

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

November 1st is All Saint's Day. We will be tapping in to the highest frequency of the Masters of Light to activate our DNA. There will be a Shamanic journeying meditation, as well. Please RSVP:

The Lakota 12:12 Portal – Gateway to Higher Frequency

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Join us for an extraordinary event that will elevate your vibrations and transport you to a higher dimension. The Lakota 12:12 Portal is your passageway to unlocking hidden potentials and accessing profound spiritual growth. Immerse yourself for an evening filled [...]

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