Lucky AbunDANCE Ecstatic Dance

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Open UP your abunDANCE vortex The spirit in motion heals, expands, circles in and out of the body, moving through the layers of consciousness from inertia to ecstasy. Join us in our sacred community space that is dedicated to healing [...]

Unwind’s Poetry Jam

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Be a part of a poetry night. Discover the health benefits of reading, writing, and listening to poetry! Poetry has been known to combat stress and depression symptoms, as well as reduce pain, both chronic and following surgery. Poetry can [...]

Intuitive Development Workshop

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Mark your calendar for this Intuitive Development Workshop! For this one day workshop, join Sally Aderton, as she guides you to pioneer through your own intuitive gifts and spiritual practices. Her intention is to share tools and experiences to identify [...]


Shamanic Sound Healing, Enhanced Senses & Guided Meditation

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

This is an experience that will allow you to explore your senses on a deeper level. This class experience is a combination of Shamanic Sound Healing, with Energy Clearing to Enhance Your Senses, mixed with a deep message in the [...]

Unwind’s Metaphysical Easter Experience

What am I? The answer to this question determines our self-concept, which influences the boundaries of our personal growth and development. The Easter story is about an old way of being crucified so something new can be born. When someone [...]

5th Dimension Dreaming State of Consciousness

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Time to level up from the 3D to 5th Dimensional Dreaming Portal to manifest the life you are wanting to live. There will be a guided mediation and a shamanic ceremony. We will be having a Q &A session so [...]

April’s Ecstatic Dance

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Ecstatic dance is a free form of dance with the goal to achieve ecstasy. This is a natural state in which your awareness shifts and you get to experience a meditative and happy state of mind through body movement. Besides [...]

Unwind’s Grief Retreat

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Dive in to the phases of grief and learn how to apply a variety of tools to understand ways to process the stages for healing. Whether you are currently experiencing or have previously experienced grief from trauma or other circumstances, [...]

Sacred Andean Despacho Ceremony of Gratitude

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Join us for a special ceremony where we will honor Mother Earth and Father Sun to help us with manifestation. There will be music, laughter and a guided mediation. Bring a food item such as a piece of fruit, seeds, [...]

Mother’s Day Sound Healing Experience

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Ease the heart, rest the body, and calm the mind in this meditative Mother's day experience that is designed to inspire the Yin energy WITHIN US ALL! Men, women, mothers of humans, mothers of pets, and mothers of nature are [...]

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