Cleaning Your Mind and Experiencing The Self

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

To see your TRUE Self, your mind needs to be clean and clear so that no one else's opinions or ideas about who they think you should be can get in the way of forming a proper self-concept about who [...]


Valentine’s Day Ecstatic Dance

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Find a song that moves your soul! On Valentine's Day weekend, we will have a diverse, heart centered and uplifting class set to take all dancers on a deep dive journey of the mind, body, spirit, and HEART! The theme [...]


Lucky AbunDANCE Ecstatic Dance

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Open UP your abunDANCE vortex The spirit in motion heals, expands, circles in and out of the body, moving through the layers of consciousness from inertia to ecstasy. Join us in our sacred community space that is dedicated to healing [...]

Dragon Energy Ecstatic Dance

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Dragon Energy is all about manifestation, transformation, and healing. As Mother Nature stands there with her arms outstretched, offering us a chance to grow, we get a glimpse of what new beginnings look like- between blooms, blossoms, and the turning [...]

Full Moon Cosmic Ecstatic Dance

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Whenever a full moon comes around, the most important thing to remember is to stay grounded, and the easiest way to do that is by connecting with your physical self. The June full moon, is known as the Strawberry Moon. [...]

Halloween Ecstatic Dance Party!

Unwind at Westclox 304 5th St., Peru, IL, United States

Check Unwind's favorite event of the month, the FULL MOON Ecstatic Dance! It is a freeform movement experience where we can be our unique selves and connect to a common source. Ecstatic Dance is for all ages, genders, and sizes [...]

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